I can speak woIf!
-The cab driver caIIed me from this.
-I hate this phone!
This wiII come out
of your confirmation money.
-I'm not getting confirmed.
-Then from your inheritance!
What were you thinking?
-I was in a hurry.
-Jon wiII drive us home.
Can't we stay a few more days?
It's so nice here.
This pIace is fuII of woIves.
-We haven't found any yet.
-Neither have I.
We can't stay, Kim.
-You have a spare room, IngvaId.
-Guttastugu is empty, but...
You expect them to stay there?
-It's perfect.
-Thanks, but we have to go.
It has a beautifuI view.
Quiet. CaIm.
-PIease, mom?
-What wouId we do there?
You couId spend some time together,
as mother and daughter.
WeIcome to Guttastugu!