They do according to
the church Iedger from 1 7 7 7.
-Not now!
-What is it?
-The batteries are Iow.
-We shouId have taken our cars.
CIimber girI!
CouIdn't you find any hiIIs?
Are those your friends?
-May I borrow your phone?
-CouId you keep them...
-Mats speaking.
-It's Kim.
You've got 30 seconds.
What are you up to, Kim?
I befriended two woIves. Mom's new
boyfriend is trying to shoot them.
He keeps tracking us down!
-Do they have tracking coIIars?
-No. It's Iike he's psychic.
-They'II be safe in Sweden.
-That's too far.
That isn't my probIem.
If the transmitter isn't on the woIf...
it might be on you.
You need some dry cIothes.