Uptown Girls

- alarm clocks in the morning...
- I love alarm clocks.

...and work during the day.
We eat with silverware,
knives and forks...

...drink out of glasses...
...do the dishes.
Is it bedtime yet?
Molly, wake up.
I'm sorry.
It's not going to work out.
You spent all night at that guy's
house doing God knows what,

then you come here
and crash at work.

I can't believe you did this to me
after all the strings I pulled.

I know that I'm
an undeserving creep,

but can we please
talk about it over lunch?

No! Our lunch date is canceled.
You can't afford lunch.

Fine, see if I care.
I'll live off of water and sunshine.

You won't have to.
Once again your main man
is gonna come through for ya.

You're gonna get me
a record deal.

Not exactly.
- Hi!
- Oh, my God.

You're my new nanny?
- Hi, Laraine.
- It's Ray.

Nobody calls me Laraine.
Okay, Ray, I'm Molly.
We met at my birthday party,

You're late.
By, like, a second.
By three and a half minutes.
I have to take my Aciphex
by 4:26, and it's...4:18 right now.

- We'll take it when we get home.
- That's when I take my Colitin.

The agency must really be
getting desperate.

I actually am uniquely qualified
for this position,

having spent so many years
developing my skills
as a people person.
