Uptown Girls

It's so...
These are so neat!
I remember when there were
only four models.

I can't believe this.
She's beautiful.

- Look at these legs.
- That's Pliéing Polly.

Put her back!
How cool is this?
Look at this little tea set!
You don't touch that unless
I happen to invite you to tea.

Look at these cute little scones.
Get away from there.
Well, I say, Lady Sassafras,
would you like some "crème fraîche"

to go with
your darling pastries?

You just got your germy drool
over my plastic scone, you freako.

Kid, have you ever been
to a shrink?

Since I was three.
Good afternoon, Miss Ray.
Dinner is ready.

There's just nothing
like good help.

You missed a spot.
Isn't doing the dishes what the maid
is supposed to be for?

She doesn't know how to dry
without leaving spots.

You don't know how to dry
without destroying the environment.

For every roll
of paper towels you waste,

a tree in the rain forest dies.
I'm gonna die of botulism
from the germs on that gunky
towel, you tree-Ioving hippie.

At least I don't prefer tofu
to normal hamburgers.

I'm not the one who's gonna get
mad cow disease and go nuts,

though you don't seem to have
a brain to fry in the first place.

Maybe not, but at least I'm not
holding the germ-infested towel.
