Uptown Girls

Wonderful, girls.
Tomorrow we start rehearsing
for next month's recital,

but I think we still have
five minutes.

How about a little freestyle?
You sure looked great
out there.

I just, you know...
Yelling at you
the other day and all...

I'm sorry.
What are you doing here?
I called Roma, your mom...
...and she said that if you said
that it was okay,

I could have my job back?
You're on probation.
Act your age,
not your shoe size.

How come you left
dance class so early?

That freestyle at the end
looked like so much fun.

Freestyle is for moronic little kids
and hippie freaks.

It's fun.
are the building blocks of fun.

Says who?
Mikhail Baryshnikov,
who I'm sure you've never heard of.

Ballet is about precision,
discipline, and poise.

They made us take ballet
at Darlington.

I couldn't wait to get out there
and make up all my own moves.

Such a sloppy doofus.

Figures. You're such
a pill-popping little tyrant.

Don't ever do that
to me again.

- You're hurting me.
- You hurt me.

Take it back.
Take it back.
I take it back.
It's a good thing you did.
Otherwise you wouldn't
have gotten your surprise.
