Uptown Girls

All right.
This one's for you.

The lights beam
down from the stars

And it takes my breath away
And the tears of glee
in my heart

End up voicing words to say
All I feel is invested in this...
Oh, my God.
Who is that?

That's my boy Neal Fox.
I found him playing
at a dive in the Village.

He's smokin'.
Can I have him
for my birthday?

No, Molly, I brought him here
so Roma could check him out.

Besides, he's 100% girly free.
He's celibate, like Morrissey.
He's all about the music.

You wouldn't know real music
if Mozart hit you on the head.

Quiet, the both of you.
Quiet? This place is so loud,
it is giving me a migraine.

My call of love
Then she'll rise with love...
No, your mom's over there
talkin' to my man Nas.

We been tryin'
to sign him for months.

Could you please keep it down?
- Mom, I wanna go home now!

Night, Molls.
- Bye.

Good night, Molly!
- Bye!

I finished my new record and...
- That's great, Duncan.

Nice to see you. Where is he?
"- ,,,"give me your two cents.

Huey said this guy
is practically a monk.

What the hell
are you trying to prove?

The only reason you're looking
at this guy is because you can't have him.

He's a rock 'n' roll
poet sex god.

You'll toss him in a week.
No, Ing, this one's different.
I can feel it.
That was good.
Kid, I haven't heard
blue-eyed soul like that

since Jeff Buckley's record.
See what I'm sayin'?
What did I tell you, Roma?
He's smokin', right?
