Uptown Girls

He had that one song...
What was it?

With your name in it.
- Yes.

I was just wondering,
'cause it's my night off...

who's watching Ray?
She's at some
ballet thing or other.

Oh, God.
It's her recital?
I have to get over there.

I'm sure it's over by now.
I've arranged
to have a car pick her up, okay?

Excuse me for a moment.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.

Rise and shine, Ophelia.
Hello, my little sugar pie.
How you doin'?

Isn't it your day off?
Indeed it is.
And it's yours, too.
No school, no homework,
and especially no fatal illnesses.

Let me see this.
Look at this.
Perfect 98.6,
only 20 degrees
above the temperature

of the beautiful day
awaiting us.

I'm not going anywhere,
especially with you.

Oh, yes, you are.
We are going to sit
in giant teacups

and spin round and round
in circles until we puke.

Are you on crack?
We're gonna have fun.
I can't believe
I let you talk me into this.

You are gonna so love
Coney Island, Ray.
