Are these marches always this small?
Hopefully, with your help,
the word'll get out to more people.
Yeah, hopefully.
I'll make sure it does.
- Get out, mullen!
- You bastard, tommy mullen!
- What do we want?
- Pushers out!
- When do we want them?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Pushers out!
- When do we want them?
- Now!
- Pusher, pusher, pusher!
- Out, out, out!
Look who's got hisself a new girlfriend.
- We'll see you there, then, john.
- Yeah, go on ahead.
- What the hell do you want?
- Is that any way to talk to a lady?
Ladies don't go calling
on gentleman unannounced.
So we're a gentleman now, are we?
Where's your manners?
You didn't introduce me to your friends.
- If that's what you're after.
- You closing up early?
One of the benefits of being self-employed.
You're amazing, john.
No, really, you're a model of... profitability.
How to succeed in business
without any customers.
- I do well enough.
- Yeah, well...
there must be a few bob
in those brothels there on rathgar road.
What they worth now, john?
- You're a dangerous little bitch.
- Ah, well. Do my best. Buy us a drink?
It's the benefit of being self-employed,
john. You are your own boss, aren't you?
You're way off the mark. Martin cahill
isn't into the drugs. Neither am i.
You sure?
We're just ordinary, decent criminals.
If you're not going to take my word for it,
why don't you ask martin?
- He's very fond of the ladies.
- Yeah, exactly. So set it up for me.