If i could have a look at these files,
then i could go after those other wankers.
Put some pressure on them.
Come on.
Go on.
Look, i've got some more packing to do.
I'll be back in an hour or so.
Looking forward to reading
someone's column on sunday.
"For the coach every day is lotto day."
"What others might earn in a decade,
he can conjure up in an afternoon."
"His swiss scam was such a stroke,
a child of his remarkable ingenuity."
"The fruits of a complex fraud..."
- the coach, boss.
- What?
Never knew you were
such a horse lover, john.
- What took you so long?
- The traffic.
Nothing to do with that woman
who writes for the sunday indo?
- Did the boys say something?
- That's not the question, johnny.
The question is:
What did you say to that woman?
Nothing important.
She fancies me, so i humour her.
You know why i'm successful, johnny?
I lead a quiet life.
Nobody knows what i'm doing,
and that's very good for business.
When you talk to that bitch and when she
writes about you, you feel like a movie star.
Don't think she doesn't know
how to use that, because she does.
You're not as smart as you think you are.
That makes you a liability.
Remember this. If that bitch
ever mentions my name, you pay.
You like playing the gangster, do you?