She bought it.
Get out of here now
or i'll put you out of your misery.
Ok. Let's bring him in.
Right, strip him and search him.
I'll get you. Your wife, your kids.
You think you're the big fella now?
You'll not be so big
the next time you meet me with a bally on.
Yeah? I'm trembling. We can do this
the hard way or the easy way. Your choice.
Let's do it the hard way, huh?
Do you like men with big cocks, do you?
D'you want that, do you?
Is she a lesbian, is she?
You fancy me arse, don't you? You pervert.
All right. Get your designer gear back on
and get the fuck out of my sight.
There's over 600 there.
You can keep that.
Yous fuckers need it more than i do.
Bunch of fucking eejits,
working and paying taxes.
D'you know what? I make more in a week
than yous fuckers earn in a month. Here.
That's more than you earn in a year.
Thanks. See you, guys. All the best.
See you soon, brian.
I always like to go shopping after a funeral.
- What are you doing here?
- It's looking bad for you.
- People say you ordered the hit on cahill.
- People can say what they like.
I was out of the country at the time.
Is that your response, mr hutch?
Or should i call you the monk?