Is traynor about?
- Jesus!
- Oh, sorry, john. Just a quick question.
You're not aiming to start a gang war,
are you, between the cahills and hutch?
- Jesus. She's famous.
- Shut up, you.
I have a feeling you've been feeding me
a line of shite about the monk.
What are you talking about?
Get the south and north side gangs to kill
each other so someone else can take over.
You're talking out of your arse.
Get outta here. Unless you wanna join in.
You told me you were there, john.
- I've done you a lot of favours.
- I'm the one doing the favours.
I've done you the favours! Don't forget that.
I tell you what i know.
I don't tell you what to do with it.
You come in here calling me a fucking liar!
That's a bit of an overreaction there, john.
- Why don't you come and have a pint?
- Too many journalists for me.
You can't join a club
if you ignore the members, veronica.
I know what they say about me:
No journalistic experience,
i'm exaggerating the drug problem,
my sources are unreliable, i can't spell.
- Pretty accurate.
- I know i'm no great writer.
Well, i think you're a poet, veronica.
Go on. Go on, cantona!
That's poetry.
- What's the score?
- Nothing-nothing.
Cantona's a fucking vacuum cleaner today,
man. It's unreal.
He's what you call a striker.
Number seven. Watch him.