There's always someone.
You get used to them.
No, ronnie, you get used to cold water,
not bullets. This is madness.
You'd do the same. If you saw those kids
on the street, you would do the same.
- Not if there was people shooting at me.
- Ma, look!
- Cathal, that's great! Who gave you that?
- You and dad.
I am listening, actually. Whoever did it
made sure i was not in the room.
Could you do this? You're better at it.
- There's nothing to worry about.
- Nothing to worry about?
I'm the only guerin in the phone book.
Who do you think they'll come after next?
Don't flatter yourself, little brother.
Are you going to dance on this
or are you gonna go fast on it?
- Here, give someone else a go.
- Give me a turn!
Are you coming to bed?
- What?
- I know you can hear me. Coming to bed?
I'll be along in a minute.
Fine. Suit yourself.
Turn it down. Turn it down!
Come on. I love it. I love my work.
I'm finally doing something
that can make a difference.
What am i gonna do with you?
- Oh, come on.
- No.