View from the Top

Ale pochopili jste.
Zkontroluji okno!
Mùžeme ven?


Zujte si boty!
Nic si sebou neberte!

Whoa! Jo.
Jedenáct sekund!
Rekord kurzu!


Co se dìje?
Koho se snažím oblbnout?
Nikdy nebudu létat v 747èce.

Leda pro Royalty express.
Skonèím nìkde v Clevelandu.
Christine, nebuï na sebe tak tvrdá.
- Musíš se prostì soustøedit.
- To se ti snadno øekne.

Ty pùjdeš do Londýna a New Yorku.
Nejsem chytøejší než ty, okay?
Koho sakra zajímá co dìlat pøi
pøistání na vodì?

Oni nepøistanou na vodì.
Rozbijou se.
Vždycky se øíká, že každý je
v nìèem dobrý.

Každý má nìjaký druh ukrytého

Dry those little eyes.
Where'd you get these?
Oh, from Sally Weston's house.
There's a whole bunch of them.
Aren't they cool?

You stole them?
They're guest soap.

We were guests.
They were there for us.
Yeah, to use, you know?
Not to take.

Come on.
Everybody does it.

lt's no big deal.
Excuse me.
Didn't you read chapter 7?

-Chapter 7.
-Employment and ethics.

lf you get caught
stealing anything,

you will get fired like that.
You're not mad at me, are you?
