She likes you.
He'll have another child.
He just lost a child and a wife.
Isn't that enough?
You give that boy some time.
You hear me?
He'll be back
when he's ready.
[ Fusses ]
Stupid old paka.
You say the word,
and I'll get a divorce, bub.
Just say the word.
- What'd he say to her?
- Same old story.
Not good enough
for him, is she?
He start that early
with me?
You're a man.
You can handle it.
[ Grandmother ]
Here. Better get used to it.
This one's gonna need someone
to look out for her.
Yeah. All right.
[ Paikea Narrating ] My Koro wished
in his heart that I'd never been born...
but he changed his mind.
[ Giggling ]