[ Pai Narrating ]
It was my father's waka...
but after I was born he didn't
want to carve it anymore.
He went away.
Everybody did.
- [ Sizzling ]
- [ Scraping ]
- Sorry, Mum.
- You've come a long way.
I think you can have a sleep in.
- Isn't he having any breakfast?
- Septic tank's blocked down at the marae.
Can't somebody else do it?
Eat your breakfast. You're too skinny.
Can't hardly see your bum in those pants.
Thanks, Ma.
Thanks, Ma.
Your timing's spooky, boy.
[ Imitating Passing Gas,
Laughing ]
- Ah! What was that for?
- For the concert last night.
You have more respect next time.
[ Blows Whistle ]
- That teacher of yours got herself a husband yet?
- Don't think so.