You all right?
Gotta watch that Koro sometimes.
Big mouth of his gets away on him, eh?
He didn't mean it...
about me.
you know, maybe
we should think about it.
Think about what?
You coming to live with me
for a while.
What do ya think?
Why doesn't he want me?
Oh, Pai, it's not you.
It's not even about you, in a way.
Koro is just-- He's just looking for something
that doesn't exist anymore.
A new leader?
They exist.
Yeah, they do,
except I think...
it's become
even more than that.
In his head, your Koro,
he needs a prophet.
What's that?
[ Breathes Deeply ]
Well, somebody who's gonna lead our people
outta the darkness...
and who'll make everything
all right again.
Only problem is, you can't just decide who those
people are just because you want them to be, eh?
Like my brother?
Your Koro made himself believe so strongly
that he was gonna be the one.
But what if he was?
And what if he wasn't?