Where the Red Fern Grows

That there is your money.
You want them dogs,
you're gonna get them dogs.

l'll guarantee that.
(Jenny) Billy?
You done your schoolwork?

l'm doing it now, Ma.
l want you
to understand something, Billy.

l love this place. lt was my mother's land,
and her people before her.

And it'll break my heart to leave,
and it'll break your father's heart as well.

But l know we gotta go to where
my children can get a proper education.

Better than l can give you here.
Now, finish your schoolwork.
Hey, Billy.
- Need some help with that feed?
- No, l got it.

l was just down at Grandpa's store.
He said he's got something for you.

All right, baking powder,
a pound of pork,
- and... Hey, Billy. How you doing?
- Ah, hey, Billy.

Well, l sure thank you,
Miss Carter, and l, uh...

l'm just gonna put this on your bill.
- Appreciate it.
- OK.

- D.J., here you go.
- (Miss Carter) Thank you.
