Where the Red Fern Grows

A whole week.
Hey, Billy. You waited this long.
Few more days ain't gonna hurt.

Now, go stand on your head.
Didn't think hunting dogs
was on the schoolwork schedule, Billy.

l'm sorry, Ma.
l just get so excited,
thinking about having my own little pups.

Now, l need you to promise me
that you'll put your schoolwork first

and you put away
this daydreaming about dogs.

l promise.
Cross your heart?
Cross my heart and hope to die.
( ''Traveler'' by Fernando Ortega)
(Billy) My ma was always worried
I was gonna turn out a hillbilly.

and this was just
the sort of behavior that would prove it.

I was in trouble.
But there was no way around it.

My pups might be starving to death
15 miles away in Tahlequah.

and I was never gonna
make it back in time for supper.

Remember the traveler
Bring us safely home
Heavenly father
Remember the traveler
Bring us safely home
Safely home
(owl hoots)
There was this old wives' tale
that two owl hoots means bad luck.

I was busting to take this shortcut.
so I had a real good listen.

(owl hoots)
