Who's that at your desk
out there, Willard?
l--l don't know her.
Who did you say that was at
your desk out there, Willard?
l--l--l don't know her.
Well, you should know, because
it's your fault she's there.
You've fallen
at least a week behind...
processing the purchase orders.
You know,
when that happens, Willard...
everything comes
to a standstill--
my salespeople
up on the floor...
shipping, receiving, inventory.
Everybody's standing around...
with their thumbs
up their asses...
beocause you havve a oWed
t he pu vrochase ovrdevrs
to bottleneck at your desk.
Your father built this company,
Hell, your family name
is still out there...
on the side of the building--
''Martin Stiles Manufacturing.''
Ah, hell,
it just seems to me like...
that alone
would make you take...
a little more pride
in your work.
Well, l...
Oh, my mother is sick.
l see.
So, it's your mother's fault
that you've fallen behind?
Willard, l'm an old friend
of the family.
Hell, l've known your mother
since before you were born.
She's a fine lady, and she
deserves to be kept comfortable.
Your dad
was like a father to me.
And l promised him
that l would always...
look after
you and your mother...
and as long as she was alive,
you'd have a job right here.