or Barbara Eden.
And she believed me.
This is so fucked up.
This is so fucked up.
Where was I?
You were at a party.
That's when I first met him.
- He was talking to Ron.
- Ronnie...
- Hey.
John Holmes, this is my business
partner, David Lind.
Hey, what's up?
Now the deal with the Arabs...
John, this is
my business partner, Dave.
Oh, cool, hey.
So I was just telling Ronnie
about this business proposition
about this Arab,
who's a really wealthy business man
and he calls me brother
and he literally has mountains of cash
- and drugs.
- Wait a minute, John Holmes?
- The John Holmes?
- Yep.
- Johnny Wadd partied at Wonderland?
- All the time.
The guy is a fucking cokehead.
He's up to his neck in the shit.
Wait, who's John Holmes?
The porn king.
Sam, the guy's a legend.
Never heard of him.
I knew who he was, but I wasn't
going to make a big thing out of it.
He blew me off, too.
Ron, I'm not fucking lying, man.
- Just hear me out on it.
- Are you John Holmes?
- No.
- Come on, John, don't lie to her.
- What's your name, baby?
- Janet.
You wanna see it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Show her, John.
- Ron, stop.
Show her. Or I'll fucking
shoot it, man.
- Look, man, that could be loaded.
I'll fucking shoot it, man.