But John, John was
so fucking convincing.
The more he said was there,
the more Ronnie wanted to do it.
I told him to forget about it.
Listen, man, call it off.
You got Susan down here,
chill out.
Spend some time,
work things out.
We are going
to work things out, Dave.
On a beach, man.
Like I said, he made his decision.
I figured if he was going to go,
I better go
and make sure nothing happened.
Okay, let's just back up for a second.
When did Susan Launius arrive?
Sometime Sunday. She and Ronnie
were having some problems
so she flew down
to patch things up.
Come here.
You look so good.
I'll get the other...
- Hey.
- Ronnie, what is this?
Goddamn it.
You told me it was gonna be different.
You fucking told me that!
Calm down.
I don't want to start like this again.
- You fucking told me you were clean.
- I am clean, all right?
- Cleaner.
- You looked me right in the eye
- and you promised.
- I don't want to start like this!
We start like this
every fucking time.
Please, just take me home.
Please take me home.
I don't want to be here.
Please, take me home.
Early that afternoon, Ron gave John
some dough to go to the Arabs
to score some dope and to leave
the kitchen door unlocked.
Hey... John.
Kitchen door, man.