Wait, you got high
during the robbery?
Not me.
Never when I'm working.
- Oh, come on what do you...
- No, hang on, hang on.
David, when did you
get to the house?
Around 8:00 in the morning.
We entered through
the kitchen door,
it was unlocked just like
John said it would be.
- Down on the carpet!
- Freeze, motherfucker!
Get down
or I'll fucking waste you!
- Fuck!
- Everybody hit the fucking carpet.
- You shot him?
Grazed him accidentally
when Ronnie bumped into me.
You grazed him?
Mmm, it was a flesh wound.
What the fuck are you doing,
- What the fuck, man?
- Look at the fucking table!
Who the fuck cares?!
Who the fuck cares?!
- Give me your fucking hand.
- Come on.
Just get up and get to the safe.
- Let's go, Ronnie.
- Gimme your other fucking hand.
I don't want to die.
Please don't kill me.
We left Billy downstairs.
We went upstairs for the safe.
John had told us that there was
a safe underneath the bed.
Where the fuck is it, huh?
- Eddie?
- What the fuck?
Nash: No need for violence,
I'll tell you whatever you want.
No violence if you tell me
the fucking truth.
- There's nothing in there.
- What the fuck is the combination?
There's nothing in there.
Nothing in that safe.
You open your fucking mouth
and you tell me the fucking
combination to the safe, motherfucker.