
Deal with these.
We'll get to 'em later.

I got my guns back!
Steady cash.
1.2 million? Not bad.
It was a good score.
And nobody got hurt.

Okay. What's next?

Holmes immediately starts
bitching about his share.

He was only in for an eighth cut,
and all of a sudden he wanted more.

What, are you fucking kidding me?
This is not my cut.

Scumbag tax. Now we're even.
- Even for what?
- For the guns, John.

- But we got the guns back!
- No, I got the guns back.

You still owe us
for all the coke you smoked.

Ronnie, come on,
I got editors that I have to pay.

I have deadlines.
This is not my final cut.

I don't know
what you want me to say, John.

I want you to say
that I can have my cut!

Okay, okay,
how about the gems?

You want to wait
for the gems, fine.

Joy and I are going to take them
down to Slim's and fence them.

Then you can get your cut.
There it is, John. That's it.
So Holmes set it up
and he felt entitled.

We took all the risks,
he sat home with the girls.

At this point...
I decided to treat myself
to a shot of H.

You know, a little reward
for a job well done.

After that it's...
it's kind of a blur.
Mailbox 8860.
The password's "palm tree."
