There's your cut from the gems, buddy.
Now get the fuck out of here.
- You got to be fucking kidding.
- No, I'm not kidding you, John.
- Get the fuck out of here.
- Ron, I have editors...
You think I give a shit that you
have fucking editors?
- We're all fucking sick of you!
- I got a deadline. Hear me out.
- You got a deadline? What about us?
- I'm just saying that's not my cut.
John, I'm fucking sick of this shit!
Get the fuck out of here!
- Get the fuck out, man!
- I'm just saying...
- Where's your gun, David?
- No, that's cool, man.
That's fucking great.
Fuck, man. I'm so fucking sick
of that fucking guy.
Are you going to fucking fix that?
We got enough fucking
money to fix it. We'll fix it.
I left the next day... I had to go
to Sacto overnight for this thing...
and I left Barbara there.
When I saw the news
on the television...
- it had to be Holmes.
- Why?
Yo, Joey. Joey, look, man,
it's not a good time right now.
- Let me talk to him.
- Hold on, talk to Billy, all right?
Hey, man, what's up?
No bullshit, we're closed for the day.
Yeah, all right, man.
All right, listen up...
from here on out,
we keep a low profile.
Billy was very specific.
No deals in the house.
Everything happens down
at the Canyon Store. I mean it.
No one in the house
but inner circle.
No one gets buzzed up
unless I say it's okay.