What are you doing
back with him, Dawn?
I haven't seen you
in almost a year,
and I figured
you just got away from him.
I did. I did.
I ran away.
I got away, Sharon.
To Oregon,
I was there for two months.
And I had a job, too.
I was a nurse, kind of like you.
But you know, he just kept calling.
You know? He just wouldn't stop.
Every day, three times a day.
At first I didn't even take
his phone calls.
He would tell
my mother every single night,
"Tell Dawn I love her,
tell her goodnight."
Every single night
before I went to bed.
So you know, I took his call.
I took his call.
I didn't say a word.
And then he says...
he says,
"I can hear you breathe, baby."
And I knew that just my breathing
was enough to keep him going
so that he knew he wasn't alone,
because he had me.
He's using you, Dawn.
When are you going to see that?
- He's been using you for five years.
- No, he's not.
No, he's not,
'cause you know why? I'm his girl.
I'm his girl.
Since I was 15, I've been his girl.
that night in the van at the beach,
I've been his girl.
You gotta get away
from him, baby.
You take all the bad stuff
and you put it in a box,
and then you just put it in a closet
and never look at it again.
And then you move on.