Excuse me, sir.
Do you have a pay phone?
Uh, this one's not working. Do you
have another phone I could use?
Long distance?
What isn't long distance
from here, right?
You cuttin' wise
with me, son?
No, sir, I'm just...
I'm runnin' behind...
and I really need
to make a call.
Well, that'n there
is my only phone.
Well, uh, the highway's
really jammed up.
Do you know of another
route heading south?
- No.
- No.
Why is this Bear Mountain Road
dotted like this?
- Dirt.
- Dirt road?
'Fraid they ain't got around
to pavin' it yet.
It looks like it runs into the highway
about 15, 20 miles. Is that right?
If you say so.
It could work.
Thank you very much.
You take care, okay?