- Pretty good.
- Mm-hmm.
Where'd you get this?
Um, I got it out of my
dad's room, actually.
- You can finish it.
I can't believe
they called us stoners.
Are you sure
you know where we're going?
Yeah. There was a map
at the gas station.
Oh, I'm so tired already.
I'm starving,
and I'm being eaten by ants.
Are there any on my back?
No, nothing there.
Oh, hey-ho! I call it. Uh, squirrel.
- Well, you said you were hungry, Carly.
- I don't think it's a squirrel.
- It's a mink.
- Really? How do you know?
- Probably ran over it.
In medical school, they make you
work on animal cadavers
before you get to the real thing.
- It's a mink.
- Oh.
It's a mink?
I need to be in Raleigh by 7:00.
Hmm. Better get
a move-on, then.
You know, we should've
just taken her to New York.
No. You know how she loves
this outdoor stuff.
If you ask me, though,
nature sucks.
Well, the next time she gets dumped,
we'll take her to New York.
Drop your pants.
When do people
always show up, Evan?
What are we doing?
Consider it an experiment
in probability theory.
Mmm. I love you.
I know.
Now get them
trousers off, boy. Don't be a sissy.
- All right.
You know, I've been thinking
about this whole wedding thing...
and I think we should
take a trip down to Mexico.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm talking about a long weekend...