Okay, who lives here?
I don't know, but can you
help me find a bathroom?
Baby, I think
this is the bathroom.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, my God.
Look at this place.
Seriously, guys,
I think we should go.
Help me find the bathroom.
Then we'll go.
Baby, what if this place
belongs to some kind of cult?
I read in Newsweek how
economically depressed places...
are like breeding grounds for
all kinds of apocalyptic visionaries.
Order of the Solar Temple, Church of
the Lamb of God, the Chijon family.
- Remember them?
- Hey, brainiac!
All right.
Maybe that door.
- Christ!
- You okay?
- It's just a paddle. It's all right.
God, look at this place.
Yeah. It's like
the garage sale from hell.
- Jesus.
Can you believe this?
Jesus, these guys
are ripping people off.
I mean, this is like
$30,000 worth of stuff.
- Chris.
- Mm-hmm.
We should leave.
This is kind of creepy.
- Yeah, this is it.
- Okay. Be quick.
- Okay!
- All right? Two minutes.
All right?
I'll be here.