Wewetzer through the middle,
passes to Paetz who passes to Kruhl,
Kruhl shoots... It's a goal!
Kruhl scores in the 81st minute.
That was the decisive goal
in Hamburg Stadium.
Stay seated.
- 4-1. - Not bad.
For Hanover.
- What?
Honest. - Hanover's leading
Kaiserslautern four to one?
- Unbelievable! - It's true.
A remarkable final game for the German
championship. The crowd is mocking
Coach Herberger.
the team that's losing here,
is the backbone of the German team.
What a dark hour
for the German team coach.
A dark hour too for Annette
Ackermann, maiden name von Hadding.
- Hello, gentlemen!
Off work already?
- No, of course not. Sorry.
Hey, what's wrong with soccer?
I mean, I'm a sports reporter.
You have your good sides, too.
Come to a game with me sometime ...
- Just what I needed.
Hey, I've been looking
for this everywhere.
What is it?
- Morocco.
Dad gave us the house and a wedding
trip. Perhaps you'd like to join me.
If you can find time between
soccer matches. - A honeymoon?
You proposed, Iaccepted,
and we got married. - Right.
We could go to Egypt afterwards, too,
to see the pyramids.
It sounds more like a crusade.
- I knew you'd love the idea.