It'd be boring
if everyone had a ball.
Okay, Ackermann!
What d'you mean by ''okay''?
- You can go.
I can?
- Under one condition.
Which is?
I'm going with you.
Don't be sad, Kottel.
I'll be back soon. - Can't I go, too?
How? You wanna sleep under my bed?
- Why not?
'cause I share with Fritz Walter,
and he can't sleep when you snore.
And if he can't sleep,
he won't play well,
and we'll lose and be eliminated.
You want that? - No. - You see.
But you said you couldn't win
the big games without me.
You're right. But it won't work.
What would your father say?
I wish you were my father.
Don't ever say that, Mattes.
Your father went through a lot.
And he needs you here.
Things will get better soon.
- Okay.
Now read it again,
but slowly, so I can enjoy it.
''Dear sports fans,
We are glad to inform you
that we are expecting you
on Wednesday,
May 26, 1954
at the Sports Academy
in Munich-Grunwald.
We wish to point out that all players
receive compensation for missing work
while the team is participating in
the competition. Regards, Passler.''
They better have enough cash.
Time to go.
Come on!