to live normal lives again.
- Thank you.
This darned thing!
Reception's lousy!
Take the expensive thing back
while you still can.
If you want to compete with Kessler,
then you'd better keep it.
You know how men
are crazy about soccer.
Like your nutty son.
He actually believes
Rahn can't win without him.
The big games. He said so himself.
... for the final training
before the World Cup in Switzerland.
Leading the attack
and the first to leave the bus,
Max Morlock from Nuremberg,
followed by Helmut Rahn from Essen
and Berni Klodt from Schalke 04.
Toni Turek from Dusseldorf
flanked by Pirmasens' Heinz Kubsch
and Heinrich Kwiatkowski
from Dortmund.
Assistant Coach Albert Sing
has Otmar Walter from Kaiserslautern
and Herbert Erhardt
from Furth run the course.
These two will go to bed
with a headache.
Karl-Heinz Metzner from Hessen-Kassel
and Uli Biesinger from BC Augsburg.
Rivals at home, here they work
together to crush their opponents.
Alfred Pfaff from Eintracht Frankfurt
and Richard Herrmann, FSV Frankfurt.
This will certainly command
our opponents' respect.
Paul Mebus from Cologne
demonstrates his footwork,
while his teammate Hans Schafer
is no less nimble.
Recovering from practice
with a friendly card game
are Werner Liebrich, Horst Eckel and
Werner Kohlmeyer from Kaiserslautern.
The Bavarians are more relaxed.
Karl Mai from Furth
and Hans Bauer from Bavaria Munich.
Fritz Laband and Jupp Posipal
from Hamburg
carry out the most pleasant exercise:
signing autographs.
But isn't someone missing?
Of course,