Wunder von Bern, Das

Bend over!
Stop it, Richard! At once!
Leave me alone!
- You're beating him raw!

Are you against me, too? - What?
- Are you against me?

Don't you care what the kids
and I feel? - Are you blaming me?

Look what you've done! Our oldest son
is a big mouth with Communist ideas,

our daughter a soldier's whore,
and the kid wants to run away!

Ask him why! It's because of you!
I'm just trying to teach him
discipline to make him fit,

so he'll be somebody.
- I see!

What do you think I've been doing?
I fed the family.

I started the bar, took care of
the household and raised the kids.

Now you come and run everything down
and put things ''right'' again!

I didn't run everything down ...
- Let me tell you something.

Before you came, we were happy.
Since then, the kids feel upset,

sad and wretched.
You want me
to go back to prison camp?

Stop pitying yourself all the time.
Can't you ever think of anyone else?

Since you arrived, everybody's
constantly thinking of your feelings.

Have you ever shown any appreciation?
Bruno earns a few marks with his band,
Ingrid helps out in the bar.

Even the kid helps out
by selling cigarettes.

That's discipline!
And one more thing ...

You're the least disciplined of us all!
Ladies and gentlemen.
