
Bobby, what did you do?
I didn't do this.
No. I did.
And the next time
you feel like showing off, don't.

- Breaking news.
- We're live from Washington,

where there's been an attack
in the Oval Office of the White House.

We have been informed that the president
and vice president were not harmed.

Sources say the attack involved
one or more mutants...

- I think it's time to leave, Professor.
- I think you're right.

- In my opinion, Magneto's behind this.
- I don't think so, Scott.

While Eric could organise
something like this from prison,

it would be irrational
and only hurt his goal of mutant prosperity.

- You mean superiority.
- You're right, if Eric had his way.

And, of course, the government
will reintroduce the Registration Act.

Or worse.
The president could declare a state of
emergency, place every mutant under arrest.

- Do you think the assassin worked alone?
- We'll only know that if we find him first.

I've been trying to track him using Cerebro,
but his movements are inexplicably erratic.

When I have exact coordinates, Storm, Jean,
I'll need you to take the jet and pick him up.

It was close, wasn't it?
