Com i ng i n fast.
U n identified ai rcraft,
you are ordered to descend to 20,000ft.
Retu rn with ou r escort to Hanscom Ai r Force
Base. You have ten seconds to com ply.
- Wow. Somebody's ang ry.
- I wonder why.
We are com i ng u p alongside you
to escort you to Hanscom Ai r Force Base.
Lower you r altitude now.
Repeat: lower you r altitude to 20,000ft.
Th is is you r last warn i ng.
They're fal I i ng back.
They're marki ng us.
They're gon na fi re. Hang on.
I gotta shake 'em.
- Please don't do that agai n.
- I ag ree.
Don't we have any weapons i n th is heap?
Warn i ng.