- Rog ue!
- No!
- Jean?
- It's not me.
When wi I l these people learn how to fly?
Than k you.
- Can you hear what they're sayi ng?
- I cou ld take a closer look.
H is name is Colonel Wi I l iam Stryker, and
he i nvaded you r mansion for one pu rpose.
He wanted Cerebro.
Or enoug h of it to bu i ld one of h is own.
That doesn't make sense. Stryker
wou ld need the professor to operate it.
Wh ich I th i n k is the on ly reason
my old friend's sti I l al ive.
My God.
What are you al I so afraid of?
Wh i le Cerebro is worki ng, Charles's m i nd
is con nected to every person on the planet.