
Si r, the mach i ne has been com pleted
to al I specifications.

If I may ask, si r,
why are we keepi ng the ch i ld ren here?

I'm a scientist, Sergeant Lyman.
When I bu i ld a mach i ne,
I wan na make su re that it's worki ng.

Al I rig ht, th is is a topog raph ic map
of the dam. Th is is the spi I lway.

See these density changes i n the terrai n?
They're ti re tracks.

That's the entrance.
And th is shows the depth of the ice
coveri ng the g rou nd.

- Th is is recent water activity.
- If we go i n, Stryker cou ld flood the spi I lway.

Can you teleport i nside?
I have to be able to see where I'm goi ng,
otherwise I cou ld wi nd u p i nside a wal l.

I'l I go.
I've a h u nch he'l I want me al ive.
Whoever goes i nto the dam needs to be
able to operate the spi I lway mechan ism.

What do you i ntend to do?
Scratch it with you r claws?
- l'l I take my chances.
- But I won't.

Si r, there's someone
com i ng down the spi I lway.

- I'm flood i ng it.
- Wait.
