- Stand back.
- No. H is m i nd is con nected to Cerebro.
Open i ng it cou ld ki I l h i m
and everyone h is m i nd is I i n ked to.
Wait. Ku rt, I need you to take me i nside.
Who is th is g uy? Who are you?
My name is Ku rt Wag ner,
but i n the ci rcus...
He's a teleporter.
I told you. If I can't see where I'm goi ng...
I have faith i n you.
Don't bel ieve anyth i ng you see i n there.
Ou r Father, who art i n heaven,
hal lowed be thy name.
Thy ki ngdom come,
thy wi I l be done on Earth...
as it is i n heaven.
Hel lo.
What are you looki ng for?
Professor, can you hear me?
You've got to stop Cerebro now.
Who are you tal ki ng to?
Don't move.
But she's j ust a I ittle g i rl.
No, she's not.
I've got my eyes on you.
M r Stryker.
Fu n ny we keep ru n n i ng i nto each other.
Mark my words, it'l I never happen agai n.
Ku rt, it's about to get very cold i n here.
I'm not goi ng anywhere.