
Good morn i ng, M r President.
Please, don't be alarmed.
We're not goi ng to harm anyone.

Who are you people?
We're m utants.
My name is Charles Xavier.

- Please, sit down.
- I'd rather stand.

Rog ue.
These fi les were taken from
the private offices of Wi I l iam Stryker.

How d id you get th is?
Let's j ust say I know a I ittle g i rl
who can wal k th roug h wal ls.

- I've never seen th is.
- I know.

- So you also know I don't respond to th reats.
- Th is is not a th reat. Th is is an opportu n ity.

There are forces i n th is world, m utant and
h u man al i ke, who bel ieve a war is com i ng.

You wi I l see from those fi les
that some have al ready tried to start one.

And there have been casualties,
losses on both sides.

M r President.
What you are about to tel I the world is true.
Th is is a moment.

A moment to repeat the m istakes of the past,
or to work together for a better futu re.
