Zi hudie

You shouldn't have come here,
especially at this time.
We have to do it on our own. Kill Yamamoto.
Itami Hidehiko was born in 1902.
His father worked as an interpreter
for South Manchurian Railways Company.
He grew up is Fushan and
Fengtian with his parents.

He's fluent in Chinese. His goal
was to become a diplomat.

He liked literature and art when in school
and was often found in the bookstore
run by one of his Japanese friends.

Itami returned to Tokyo by the end of August, 1928
where he was secretly recruited by
the Japanese intelligence agency.

After concluding his brief training
he was sent to work at the
border of Burma and Thailand.

He was transferred to Shanghai after September
18, 1931 (the Japanese invasion of China)

replacing Yoshikawa as the liaison officer
to Japanese army intelligence in Shanghai
under Yamamoto's command.
The latest news has his father committing
suicide at his home last month

for reasons not yet known...
Leave us alone for a while.
This is your new identity.
You work at St. Mary Hospital
starting tomorrow morning.

Why are you so sure I can renew his past love?
I am not
But according to what we've found out
the military had something to do
with the death of Itami's father.
