Oh, my.
Oh, Lucy, that feels so good.
No, my nipples are too sensitive.
Stop that.
-What happened?
-Your ball hooked into that cart...
...bounced back and hit you in
the head. lt was freaking hilarious.
-Who's Lucy?
And what's up with your nipples?
l can't be falling for a local.
l ain't ever going back to that diner.
-This where you got hit?
You're so lucky you're a professional
cliff diver in Hawaii.
-Yeah, well, it's a living.
-l'm a tax attorney.
-We never get to have any fun.
-ls that right?
l'd like to do something
extra fun tonight.
Taking it deep, aren't you?
How about another
fishbowl for the lady?
-Why don't l just tap a keg for her?
l think l'm getting kind of drunk.
-Are you getting drunk?
-Getting there.
So, what are you thinking?
What am l thinking?
Actually, l'm not drunk at all,
Noreen, and neither are you...
...because there's no alcohol
in these drinks.
Sadly, l've used this technique
many times.
lt helps lovely tourists,
such as yourself...
...loosen up without impairing
your ability to stay awake...
...and have guilt-free,
vigorous sex with me.
-l'm sorry.
l'm not a cliff diver, either.
l'm afraid of heights.
Well, since it's my last night in town...