...can l pretend you didn't just say that
and still have sex with you anyway?
l can't do it. l'm sorry.
Well, can you at least point me in
the direction of someone who can?
That guy over there
could help you out.
-lsn't that a woman?
-Jeez, l'm not really sure.
But you're too drunk to notice,
remember? Take care.
-Hey, you. Aloha.
Not aloha, ''hello,'' aloha, ''goodbye.''
We're closed today. Go away.
-What are you talking about?
-Order up!
-Don't move. l have to talk to you.
-Hey! Tattoo-Face!
-Hey, Peanut Butter Cups!
My fingers are extra fishy today,
if you care to take a whiff.
What was that?
l was petting my walrus all morning
and thinking of you the whole time.
Okay, pervert.
l think that you should leave.
What? l was joking because
of what we talked about yesterday.
l've never even met you.
-Nick! l need help!
-Coming, Lucy.
Nick, put that down.
l'll handle it.
-You, follow me.
-Wait a-- What's going on?
l was kidding around with you!
What's happening here?
ls she crazy or something?
Lucy is a very special person.
Very different from other people.
About a year ago, Lucy was
in a terrible car accident.
She and her father went up
North Shore to get a pineapple.