Oh, yeah, I have drinks.
Happy birthday!
Make a wish, princess.
What did I need a wish for? I had
amazing friends and the coolest dad.
But I guess my dad thought I needed
one more thing: Fiona.
I am so sorry.
You look beautiful, Fiona.
Hey, Hal!
Hi. Hi.
Along with my new stepmother came
her twin daughters, Brianna and Gabriella.
My out-of-step-sisters.
But as long as my dad was happy,
so was I.
We were going to be
one big, happy family.
One's enough.
Unfortunately, this was no fairy tale.
"He took her hand, and he kissed it.
Then he swooped her up onto
his horse.
And the beautiful princess and the
handsome prince rode off to his castle...
...where they lived happily ever after."
Do fairy tales come true, Dad?
Well, no. But dreams come true.
- Do you have a dream?
- Yeah.
My dream is that you'll grow up
and go to college...
...and then maybe someday you'll build
your own castle.
- Where do princesses go to college?
- Uh...
They go...
...where the princes go.
They go to Princeton.
But, Sam, you know, fairy tales aren't
just about finding handsome princes.
They're about fulfilling your dreams...
...and about standing up for what
you believe in.
As I always say, never let
the fear of striking out...
- Keep you from playing the game.
- Right.