You should get going,
because our mom's looking for you.
- Well, where is she?
- She's at home, baking.
SAM: You wanted to see me?
- Yes.
Oh, my... Did you finish your errands?
Because I need you to head to the diner
and take the night shift.
Tonight's my night off and it's
the Halloween dance at school, so...
I know, but you need to stop being so
self-centered and start thinking of others.
Others need you to go to the diner
and mop the floors tonight.
But I really need to go to this dance,
Fiona. I have to.
You need to earn your tuition money
for college.
You gotta bus a lot of tables.
I'm a straight-A student.
I work seven days a week
and I'm taking extra AP classes.
I never asked you for anything.
Please let me go to this dance.
Sweetheart, now that you're
old enough...
...there's something
I've always wanted to tell you...
...and I think you're ready to hear it.
You're not very pretty,
and you're not very bright.
I'm so glad we had that talk.
BO Y 1: Man, you...
BO Y 2: Scoot over, bro.
BO Y 1: See if we can get a bigger table.
GIRL: Move over.
You're in my way.
It must be Halloween. Look what just
flew in. The wicked witch of the Valley.
I'm gonna be picking up Gabriella
and Brianna at the Halloween dance.
- I'll be back by 12 sharp.
- Okay.
Ooh. Still got room in there, huh?
Well, if it isn't little Betty crocker
from the 'hood.
Don't you have something to do,
like cleaning toilets?
You know, I would, but I'm too busy
running this place. But be my guest.