Do you think J. Lo has a brown lawn?
People who use extra water
have extra class.
You call that grade-A beef? Well,
that cow must have cheated on his test.
Bobby, enough with the salmon.
You already made a salmon omelet,
salmon soup and salmon pudding.
Come on.
- Help me. Fiona wants to eat me.
- That's nasty.
- Bite me, Rhonda. Bite me.
- That's nasty.
- Eleanor, your order's up.
- Coming. I got it.
I'm okay.
- Chuck, how you doing?
- Super.
That's good. So cheese omelet,
extra bacon, crisp...
...blueberry muffin and a Coke.
- Make it a Diet Coke.
I'm trying to watch my weight.
It ain't going nowhere.
Pick up these salmon waffles.
- Sam, why are you still here?
- I'm almost done.
- You'll be late for school.
- I'll get there.
- Fiona goes ballistic if I don't finish.
- I don't care.
What I care about is your education.
She's got you getting up
at the crack of dawn.
- Your dad would want you at school.
- But...
No more "buts." You just leave Fiona
and her big butt to me.