Yeah, my gal
is red hot
Your gal
ain't doodly squat
Well, she ain't got
no money, but, man...
lsn't it a little early
for that, Caprice?
l'm developing
my act, Mother.
Mutilating your mammaries
and gyrating down at some biker bar
is an act, all right,
an act of defiance.
l was a legend down at the Holiday
House, in case you didn't know it.
Morning, honey.
Daddy, let me go down to the bar
and perform.
You're in home detention,
The ''government'' wants you to stay
indoors for a while, huh?
You're just too pretty
to go out.
We let you keep your tawdry theatrical
mementoes. lsn't that enough?
You were convicted
of indecent exposure for the third time.
l was promoting
the art of dance.
With nude loitering?!
Nude and disorderly conduct?
Nude drunken driving?
l was not drunk.
l was on pills.
Something is the matter
with you, Caprice.
You are such a Neuter,
And Neuters will never
Something is the matter
with your vagina.
Mrs. Stickles.
Oh, you brat!
l'm gonna report you.
Formstone's looking good.
Ah, it's the real McCoy
all right, vintage.
- Paid through the nose for it.
- Oh.
One thing we've learned-- proper
restoration never comes cheaply.
l need to go down to
the bar-- just for an hour!
Come on, Dad, don't lock it.
Daddy, let me go!
My public needs me!
- Ooh!
- Mrs. Stickles,
my name is Fat Fuck Frank.
And l'm your daughter's
number one fan.
She moved to
the Erie Canal area.
Hey, Vaughn.
Caprice retired
from show business.
She's no longer
a public figure.