on our parking lot wall
last night.
We've got to do something,
People have got to know
how bad things are getting.
No wonder l've got
to take heart pills.
l read in the paper
the other day
that the average married couple has sex
over 100 times a year.
That's a lie.
People would be raw if that was true.
l'll be at your meeting all right,
with bells on.
You have, uh, AAA batteries?
l certainly do.
You sure these
are the right ones?
You want me
to take them out?
No, no, l guess l'll buy them.
Well, get down there,
mutha, and start scarfing.
What the hell?
l mean, Jesus...
for Christ's sake! l'm moving to Towson.
Harford Road--
where life is cheap.
- Only you can prevent fornication.
- Yeah, yeah.
You see, Marge?
People in the neighborhood have had it.
lt wasn't this bad
in the '60s.
You're right.
Someone left a dildo
in my neighbor's wishing well,
right on her
front lawn.
People are just ignorant
Morning, Big Ethel.
Uh, what's good about a morning
with dildos in it?
Amen to that.
My husband's on Viagra.
- Oh, you poor thing!
- Every minute, he wants it.
He has no right
to be that hard.
l'm Viagra-vated
and l'm not gonna take it anymore.
Feeling better,
Mail here
for Ursula Udders.
Her name is Caprice
and she's got shingles.
Our daughter doesn't really participate
in the mail these days.
l'll take the fan mail to her, Warren.
Don't you worry.