Decency's fine.
But diversity in a neighborhood
is a good thing too.
This isn't diversity,
it's depravity.
On my way over here,
l saw a man
performing oral sex
on a lady
in a car
in broad daylight.
Lesbians have taken over
the softball fields.
So? Lesbians are
good neighbors.
We need to start by teaching tolerance
in our own homes.
Some guy was playing with himself
near me in the movies.
You're saying that's normal?
His crotch was shaved!
These are isolated
No, they're not.
Look, l'm not a prude.
l'm married to an ltalian.
But l am disgusted.
l live near what they call
''The Bear House.''
Last night,
hairy, overweight men
who call themselves bears
were having sex
outside the house.
My children heard them.
''Mommy, what's that noise?''
They actually asked me.
l raced outside
clapping my hands loudly
and l yelled--
''No blow jobs!''
And they just laughed.
Some of them
even growled at me.
Oh, no!
Today, somebody
called me a Neuter.
And you know what?
l didn't mind.
lf neuter means ''normal,''
l'll say it loud--
l am Marge, the Neuter,
and l'm proud.
That's right!
We're all Neuters!
And we'll never,
never be not normal!
You put your left foot in,
you put your left foot out
You put your left foot in
And you shake it
all about
You do the Hokey-Pokey
and you turn yourself around
- That's what it's all about
- Right arm!
You put your right arm in,
you put your right arm out