My gal is red hot
Your gal
ain't doodly squat
my gal is red hot
- Your gal ain't doodly squat...
- Go, baby, go!
Shake that thing!
...she's really
got a lot...
What's the matter?
...Six feet four...
Nothing, honey.
l just wanted to have
a little
mother-daughter chat.
l'm so sorry
l spoke so harshly
about your vagina
this morning.
lt's all right.
Where did you get that outfit, Mother?
Oh, you like it?
lt's my new apostle look.
Oh, you've got fan mail.
The mailman's
got a big johnson, doesn't he?
Well, your father's
got a big one too.
Oh, you are
freaking me out.
l was with Fat Fuck Frank
this afternoon.
He seems to really
like your tits.
ls he hung?
He's about
Tell me, Ursula...
'cause that's the name
you like to use, isn't it?
Yes it is, Mother.
l know that Fat Fuck Frank
is a tit man,
but does he ever...
well, you know--
in the dark''?
Yes, he does.
Thank you for asking.
Oh, my God!
You have met Ray Ray.
Oh, Mother!
Goo-goo, da-da
Goo-goo, da-da
Officer, it's not like my wife
to just walk away.
She was probably
kidnapped by sex fiends.
We've got orgies going on,
perverts walking around.
- Do something.
- l am doing something.