That's Mrs Kleghorn sitting
next to Mrs Fairchild.
- What a small world.
- And Mrs Winters on her right.
And getting smaller.
You wanna go out
the back?
No, if you go out the back, you'll
never come in the front, Joe.
A lady always leaves the
way she came.
I thought my husband
had more taste.
So sorry to hear you're
leaving us, Mrs Erlynne.
- I'm leaving you?
- I'll prepare your bill.
I ask you to
make me an offer
I don't know how much
it will bring
It isn't a lot...
but it's all I've got
Pooled by an old
gold ring?
It's known me as poor
as a beggar
And it's known me as
rich as a king
And it's known me in hell
And in heaven as well
Pooled by an
old gold ring?
My sudden change
in circumstance...
was not the only reason
for my departure.
The italian coast in summer
attracts the rich and famous.
I'm infamous and poor.
Close enough.
One door closes,
another opens.
Sometimes that door is
not the one you expect.
I saw my chance and
decided to take it.