Too slow. Come on.
All right.
Yes, I'll be there.
In an hour.
Okay, in an hour.
It's quitting time.
We're going to lunch.
Can't, sorry.
- You're working?
- Money never sleeps.
All paying jobs absorb...
and degrade the mind.
You never had a paying job.
I rest my case.
Cultivated leisure is
man's true calling.
- I have to send some telegrams in town.
- I'll wait for you.
I'll be all afternoon.
I don't want you to waste the day.
- Do you mind, John?
- Do I mind?
No, of course not.
If you have to escort that woman to
the opera, please don't sit with us.
Think of Alessandra.
Mrs Erlynne has her own seats.
Who pays for them?
Her uncle just died.
She's come into some money.
And Mr Windemere's visits?
He's managing her investments,
of course.
You're so fond of gossip.
You don't give the truth a chance
to put its pants on.
It's not the truth that's going without
pants, dear Tuppy.
Would you mind not smoking?
Opera makes me feel so romantic.
Anything too stupid to be
said is sung.
How's that romantic?
And the women are
always so fleshy!
Excuse me, that's my foot.
Right over here?
What did I tell you?
Stop, boy!
Fried anchovies and clams
in a bog. Delicious.